First Time Here

Guests are always welcome at Westwood!

Here are some frequently asked questions you may be wondering about:

  • Westwood is located at 8200 Old Keene Mill Rd. in Springfield, VA. Click here for directions.

  • Sunday School starts at 9:45 a.m. We have classes available for every age group. Our worship service is Sunday at 11:00 a.m. You can check out the Bulletin Board for more information.

  • You will find ample parking around the building. Proceed down the driveway between the church and the adjacent office building (The Cary Building) and turn left into the parking lot behind the church and park. We have spaces marked for ‘Visitor Parking’ and we have several ‘Super Senior’ spaces for senior adults. We also have many handicapped spaces. Additional parking is located in the parking lot behind the Cary Professional Center (adjacent to the church). See below for a visual aid!

  • Feel free to sit anywhere. If you need assistance, ushers and greeters will be on hand to help you find a good seat and give you a bulletin with the order of worship for the day. Hearing Assistance Devices are available for use during our worship services. They are at the sound board in the back of the sanctuary – an usher or greeter can direct you there.

  • Yes! Children are always welcome. Our nursery is available during Sunday School and our worship service, and is staffed by paid workers and loving volunteers. If you feel self-conscious about little ones making noise, you may sit in the narthex just outside the sanctuary where you can hear the service through speakers.

    Most worship services include a brief children’s sermon. We also have worship bags, filled with a Bible, a Children's Worship bulletin, and other activities available for children. They are located near the Narthex doors, an usher or greeter can help you find them.

  • There is no dress code. Wear what you find comfortable and appropriate. On any given Sunday you will see as many people in casual dress as you will in suits, sports jackets or “church outfits.”

  • Most services last about an hour and tend to be fairly traditional. We sing several hymns and/or praise songs. The choir or other musical groups/individuals often perform. We participate in some responsive readings printed in the bulletin. Those who are able are invited to stand for the call to worship, the invocation, hymns, musical responses and for the benediction. Guests are never asked to introduce themselves or address the congregation. Click here to view our worship service archive.

  • We celebrate communion, the sacrament of the Lord’s Supper, once a month, usually on the first Sunday of the month. No one is required to participate. Everyone is welcome to partake. On communion Sundays, you will be asked to grab a sealed wafer and juice set as you enter the sanctuary. We do not pass open communion plates in the worship service. The pastor will always provide instruction during communion.

  • Our worship service includes a freewill offering that is given to support the unified church budget and other special mission causes of the church. While guests may contribute something during the offering, there is no expectation that they do so. Members are not pressured to give any certain amount, but are encouraged to prayerfully consider biblical principles of giving. Online giving is also available here.

  • You may ask one of our greeters or one of our staff members any questions you may have. You may also contact the church office by phone at 703-451-5120 or by email at with your questions.